EPISODE #3 – EPW OFF by Anton Mobin

Anton Mobin’s impressionist radio art are a regular feature on Radio On. Here, in his own words he explains the making of EPW OFF.

“Since many years, I used to record my daily report on micro-cassette with a dictaphone. More or less elaborated, these raw pieces of archive have never been edited or broadcasted. It’s more a dark side of my my fear of not recording and of missing a crunchy moment.


I found recently near Voltaire a perfect new walkman sony TCM-400 with two reading speeds and a pitch which give more possibilities to play with this walkman during and after the recording and which also alters the process of next reports.

This journal is focused only on the production of the first cassette of the catalog H.A.K. Lo-Fi Record, “Early Piano Works” by Rinus van Alebeek, recording on cassette c90 between March and April 2013. An important moment for our small label with a run through Paris, by way of the printer at Faidherbe Chaligny, a main character, Lysvia Maïz’ show room at Parmentier to test the first white ink, Père Lachaise to buy a new white ink, Alexandre Dumas to assemble the cover. Then, two rendez-vous : with Emmanuel Rébus close to Bibliothèque François Mitterrand before his travel to New-York and with Guillaume Siffert at La Chapelle to bring back tapes in Berlin.

Process of composing

step 1 :
recording on cassette of daily sounds regarding the production of the first cassette of the catalog H.A.K. Lo-Fi Record, “Early Piano Works” by Rinus van Alebeek, in March and April 2013.

step 2 :
digitalization of these recordings with another tape player

step 3 :
Recording another track playing the same tape with the original cassette-coder

step 4 :
Edit and collage of steps 2 & 3″

Please check the schedule in the top bar to find out when Anton’s work is broadcasted.